EVS volunteer to attract youth via marketing (12m)

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Period: A total of 52 week(s) during the period Feb 2018 to Dec 2020 (12 months)

Deadline for application: 1 January 2020

project description

The main goal of the project (EVS volunteer) is to attract more youth to the Vicki Brown House in ‘s-Hertogenbosch by organising activities such as Artistic assistance for children from 7 to 12 years and from 12 to 16 years. Creativity is used as an aid to convey feelings, fears or desires in a pleasant way. In this way, the Vicki Brown House tries to relate, understand, and place a thorough experience. During the meetings, the children make use of artistic means, such as drawing, painting and carpentry. Stories, poems and music, adapted to the age and interest of the child, support the assignments. Based on the work done, conversations are conducted, where the children listen to each other and recognize each other. The fellow contact is an important part of the meetings. For youth of 14-18 years other activities are organised, see http://www.vbrownhuis.nl/jeugd/jongeren-14-18-jaar/.

accommodation, food and transport arrangements

The volunteer will live in the de Hooghe Clock with other EVS volunteers, ’s-Hertogenbosch (one hour from Amsterdam). This is a new development where elderly, young, autistic, students and top athletes live. Everyone is expected to do volunteer work for a few hours a week in the house such as help-desk service, reception and organizing a bingo evening. The room is with a bathroom and shared kitchen. Bicycle is available.

training during the project

There will be an on-arrival workshop and a mid-term workshop.

volunteer profile

Open-minded energetic, social, creative and curious youngsters who like to communicate in written and oral with youngsters so also through social media. The volunteer likes to organize and plan events. Marketing minded.

how to apply

Please email: evs.vicki@telfort.nl the following:

  • full CV
  • full motivation letter which is specific to the project

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